Building a Comprehensive Onboarding Plan: From Pre-Hire to First 90 Days 

An onboarding plan aims to effortlessly integrate new workers into the company’s culture as productive new members of the team. The onboarding process begins in the pre-hire phase, in which expectations and roles are clearly explained, and continues for the first 90 days. 

Setting the stage for long-term employee success and satisfaction requires effective onboarding. After a positive onboarding experience, 69% of employees say they are likely to stay with a company for at least three years, according to the Human Capital Institute. 

A 30-60-90-day onboarding plan is a three-phased process in which the first thirty days are dedicated to integration and learning. In the next thirty days, the new hire takes on more responsibilities, whereas the final thirty days are devoted to performance evaluation and complete integration with the organization. The following section breaks down what organizations need to do in each phase of the onboarding plan to help them effortlessly integrate new hires into their workforce. 

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The Pre-Hire Phase

Pre-hire Communication

A personalized welcome email sets the tone and kicks off the onboarding process before the new hire arrives at the office. It should include a friendly introduction to the team along with essential contact details, so they know who to contact with queries and concerns. 

Preparation for Day 1

Ensure that the new hire has access to all the tools and systems they need before starting. Set up any necessary accounts and provide login information for any internal systems. Assign an onboarding buddy who can help the new hire navigate the company environment by answering questions and offering insights. 

Pre-Start Activities

Send the new hire the company handbook and any important policy documents, acquainting them with the principles, standards, and protocols of the organization. Schedule meetings with important team members, conduct office tours, and provide an overview of the company’s goals and background. 

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The First Day

Welcome and Introduction

The HR team and the new employee’s direct manager should personally welcome them on their first day. Introduce the new hire to all the departments and team members, especially those who will be working closely with them. This lets them know right away who their points of contact are. 

Orientation Session

Conduct an orientation session with new hires, preferably on a one-on-one basis. Cover the core values and mission of the organization. Explain the hierarchies and reporting structure in various departments. 

Administrative Tasks

Collect any last-minute administrative documentation such as tax forms, benefit enrolments, or direct deposit information. It is imperative to review benefits and payroll details on the first day. Outline payroll operations and go over health insurance, retirement plans, and other available benefits. 

Knowledge Transfer

Provide basic instruction on necessary software, communication platforms, and other systems. Feeling at ease with these technologies will speed up their productivity right from the beginning. The new employee should also be briefed on their immediate tasks, their main responsibilities, objectives, and standards. 

Eliminate onboarding hassles and boost new hire engagement effortlessly!

The First Week

Role-Specific Training

Dedicate the first week to comprehensive, role-specific training. Give a complete overview of the main responsibilities along with best practices and examples. Ideally, the new hire should spend time shadowing more seasoned team members and getting practice on important duties under supervision. 

Meetings and Integration

Schedule team meetings and briefings throughout the first week to help the new employee understand team dynamics, communication styles, and ongoing projects. The new hire can share their ideas and eventually contribute to smaller projects. 

Feedback and Check-Ins

During the first week, communication with the manager or the designated mentor is crucial to discuss progress, ask questions, and raise any concerns. By actively collecting feedback, the company can also demonstrate their commitment to the onboarding experience. 

Employee Onboarding Plan: Pre-Hire to First 90 Days

The First 30 Days

Continued Training

The new employee should undergo role-specific training during the first month to build their confidence and completely take on their role. It’s also a good idea to attend extra seminars and training sessions to learn about areas beyond their current work, such as soft skills, cross-departmental functions, and industry knowledge. 

Performance Check-In

Conduct a formal performance check-in at the end of the first month to assess the new employee’s progress. Recognize their early achievements, resolve any issues, and establish goals for the upcoming month. It’s important to address any anticipated challenges, which enables the manager to offer specific resources and assistance. 

Social Integration

Encourage the new employee to participate in team-building exercises or social gatherings to enable their social integration within the organization. Encourage their participation in the company culture through volunteer activities, company traditions, or clubs to help them feel more connected with their peers. 

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60 Days

Review and Adjustment

Review the new hire’s progress towards their initial goals and objectives at the 60-day point. Use this evaluation to determine the understanding of their work, their strengths, development, and areas that need improvement. Use the feedback from this review to adjust their responsibilities and provide additional training. 

Increased Responsibility

Progressively increase the new hire’s workload and project complexity as they develop confidence and experience, to help them make more substantial contributions to the team. Encourage them to work, make decisions, and solve problems independently to help them take ownership of their tasks. 

Continued Support

In the first 60 days, the new employee should check in regularly with their reporting manager or mentor. Continue having regular check-ins with the manager or mentor. Consistent support helps them manage their responsibilities, handle any new issues that arise, and become more confident and capable of moving into bigger responsibilities. 

90 Days

Final Performance Review

At the end of the first 90 days, review the new hire’s performance against the goals and targets set for them. Assess their progress and set long-term objectives. During the final performance review, discuss their professional development, growth strategies, and resources available to them. This is crucial in aligning the new employee’s efforts with the organization’s wider goals. 

Feedback Session

Conduct a feedback session on the new hire’s overall onboarding experience. This can be invaluable in determining what went well and what needs to be improved in the onboarding plan to make the onboarding process more efficient and satisfying for new employees. 

Integration into Company Culture

Encourage the new employee to actively engage in team and corporate events. Participating consistently in workplace initiatives, team-building activities, and social gatherings promotes a sense of belonging and interpersonal connection. 

Leverage EmployWise for Successful Onboarding

EmployWise is a comprehensive HR software that integrates training, centralizes documentation, and automates workflows. With customizable onboarding plans, performance monitoring, and a centralized communication platform, it streamlines the onboarding experience while upholding compliance and improving overall productivity. 

Integration into Company Culture

  • Automated Workflows EmployWise automates probation and confirmation management, streamlines employee status changes, creates assessment questionnaires, and guarantees compliance. 
  • Customized OnboardingPersonalize the onboarding experience with a tailored portal, enabling new hires to integrate faster, manage paperwork with ease, and transition smoothly into their first day. 
  • Integration with Other HR Functions Integrate onboarding with performance management, benefits, and payroll. EmployWise combines every aspect of the employee experience into a single platform for efficient onboarding. 
  • Centralized CommunicationEmployWise’s centralized communication platform makes it easier for managers, HR teams, and new hires to share information, resolve issues, and speed up the onboarding process. 
  • Performance ManagementThe performance management module defines expectations clearly through role-goal mapping and 360-degree feedback from peers and superiors. 
  • Learning and DevelopmentUse EmployWise’s comprehensive training program inventories, feedback-driven learning, and custom role-competency mapping to help new hires gain the competencies they need for their role. 

Final Thoughts

A well-structured onboarding plan tries to reduce turnover by aligning employees with the company’s goals and values. A great onboarding plan will focus on key milestones, such as training, integration, and alignment with company objectives to ensure a smooth transition for new hires. IT and HR teams should collaborate closely to effortlessly onboard a new hire without any administrative or technical snags. 

From acquisition and pre-hire activities to onboarding, training, and performance management, EmployWise is the all-in-one HR solution for successful onboarding and new hire success. 

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